To Die For - Is Fashion Wearing Out The World?

ISBN: 978-0-00-726409-4
Autor:in: Lucy Siegle
Verlag: HarperCollins
An expose on the fashion industry by the „Observer“’s ‚Ethical Living‘ columnist, which unpicks the environmentally devastating and inhumanely shocking story behind the clothes we so casually buy and wear.
Lucy Siegle is the author of ‚Green Living in the Urban Jungle‘ and contributing writer on ‚A Good Life‘. From a strong journalistic background, she is a specialist in ecological and ethical lifestyle matters. As well as writing her weekly ‚Observer‘ column, she is an environmental columnist for ‚Marie Claire‘ and a regular contributor to ‚Grazia‘, the ‚Guardian‘, the ‚New Statesman‘, ‚Elle‘ and ‚New Consumer‘ magazine, and a frequent commentator on television and radio, regularly appearing on BBC One’s ‚The One Show‘.